Experience the Universal Church

Travel with us

Mexico City Mission Trip

Bishop Conley is especially inviting young adults to join him as he leads this mission trip to Mexico City. On this journey, we will be intentionally asking Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, for a deeper love of her Son in the Eucharist.

We will be partnering with an organization called Hope for the Poor who seek to serve the poor in Mexico City. Their mission statement is:

“We work with the poor. Our mission field is drug-addicted street kids, homeless families, and people who live at the city dump. We bring hope to the rejected, the lonely, and the unloved. We feed the poor, rent homes to take families off the street and work with employers to find them jobs. But we don’t stop there. Mother Teresa often said the greatest poverty is being unloved. We want to inspire all generations to radically love and bring hope to the hopeless.”

Dates: October 24-29

Cost: $1775

30 Available Spots

Join us to see the face of Christ in the poorest of the poor.

“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40

Italy & Poland Pilgrimage

Jubilee of Young People

Join Salt + Light in the Diocese of Lincoln on a 2 week pilgrimage to Italy and Poland! Start the trip in the beautiful and calm city of Assisi as you walk in the footsteps of St. Clare and St. Francis. Next, visit Rome and see all the city has to offer, along with participating in the Jubilee of Young People, celebrating Young Adults in the Church! After the Jubilee travel on to Poland and visit relics and sights of great saints such as St. John Paul II, St. Faustina, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and others!

This trip, unlike our typical world youth days, is specifically for Salt + Light and those in the 21-39 year old age group! To save your spot, apply today. $500 deposit due by June 15, 2024-- late fee beginning July 1, 2024!

(NOTE: Price includes round trip airfare, airport transfers in Europe, Guides and assistance from arrival to departure, hotel lodging in all cities, public transportation, breakfast and dinner daily (except travel days) tips for local guides, and entrance to museums and walking tours.)
